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I have a missing drive in my unraid server while I wait for a replacement and some data dissapeared.

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The parity disk showws 1589 erros this errors appeared because I bought a drive and while rebuilding the drive the disk had an error and it stopped rebuilding it and errors started to grow.image.thumb.png.119127734f0c7135e7abce9e62520c46.pngI already post this on reddit an a user told me that its not ok to have an SSD in the array, is that right?

They linked this post 

Is that still heppening? Could be this the issue?


This image showws when I try to enter the missing drive files.

So why my data is gone? due to the SSD? or because the new drive failing to rebuild.



Edited by gerard4
Added diagnostics
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So a drive that dont works correctly cannot make data corruption to the parity drive?  I tried replacing cables for parity and power and the issue persist. My server doesnt support SAS drives so I added a PCI SAS card could the SAS card not work correctly and be causing this issues? Also as the server doesnt support SAS drive the drive are receiving power from a computer PSU, could be a PSU issue?

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3 hours ago, JorgeB said:

Also is the data missing from a specific disk or the array in general?

Just got the new drive, added to the array and started rebuilding the disk now it shows error in parity disk. I also atach diagnostics. Also it says the disk 7 is unmountable due to unsupported or no filesystem also shows that in the new drive. Also some data from the disk 4 that was lost has returned.


Also is rebuilding data, how is this possible? with a failing parity drive and 2 unmountable disk?



Edited by gerard4
Added the screenshot about data-rebuild
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4 minutes ago, gerard4 said:

Also some data from the disk 4 that was lost has returned.

I don't see how that's possible, since disk4 is unmountable at the moment, so no data form there.


You first need to try and solve the parity issue, or won't be able to rebuild disk4, still looks like a power/connection problem.

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12 minutes ago, JorgeB said:

I don't see how that's possible, since disk4 is unmountable at the moment, so no data form there.


You first need to try and solve the parity issue, or won't be able to rebuild disk4, still looks like a power/connection problem.

Could the position of the cable that go from the SAS card to the drives causing problems?IMG_20230622_193710531.thumb.jpg.8b0ab62de40083df1d69d4702f9afb54.jpg

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2 minutes ago, JorgeB said:

Position itself is not a problem, if the cable is good, you can also try a different slot for the disk if there are more.

It could be a SAS card problem? I don't have more card to test it could I plug the cables directly in this connector from the motherboard?16874558359278316837843589599617.thumb.jpg.42f7cf9e950aa7e407c44f3de40c786e.jpg

This connector is used for the slots for the hard drives in front of the server but they are SATA so I don't know if it could cause issues.

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