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Cant access webgui from another PC

Go to solution Solved by puggsy21,

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Hi all so i have just created a usb for unraid as everything is new and i have purchased a license, i boot the machine and wait for unraid to load to the stage where it shows the ip address to access the webgui. I move over to my main pc and go to that ip to which it just wont load, the browser then shows me "This site cant be reached. 192.168.1.xx took to long to respond.


I went into CMD and tried pinging the ip address which i get back

Pinging 192.168.1.xx with 32 bytes of data:
Reply from 192.168.1.xx: bytes=32 time<1ms TTL=64
Reply from 192.168.1.xx: bytes=32 time<1ms TTL=64
Reply from 192.168.1.xx: bytes=32 time<1ms TTL=64
Reply from 192.168.1.xx: bytes=32 time<1ms TTL=64

Ping statistics for 192.168.1.xx:
    Packets: Sent = 4, Received = 4, Lost = 0 (0% loss),
Approximate round trip times in milli-seconds:
    Minimum = 0ms, Maximum = 0ms, Average = 0ms


So to me it is pinging just fine, i cant work out what the issue is.


I have reset my router back to factory settings

Unplugged all drives from the server

created a new unraid usb


and yet i still face the error of not being able to connect to the webgui


i have also included the diagnostics zip file


Please could someone take a look and see what is happening as i really want to get this setup and running


Thanks to all that reply


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have not spotted anything obvious in the diagnostics :( 

Just to confirm that the IP address you are using for the server is ?


If you boot in GUI mode can you login on a locally attached monitor/keyboard


What about going into the console and trying to ping your router and then your PC to check they can be seen from the Unraid server?




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yes that is the correct IP address


So when i boot into unraid os mode with keyboard and monitor it goes through its stages of booting and then gets to the console where it shows the IP address and then login (not the GUI but the black screen console) i then input root for the user and it doesnt prompt for a password even thou it would be blank but does allow me access as it then shows the tower name in green.


I cant use GUI mode as the mb i use only has HDMI and when i select GUI mode it doesnt display anything as im using a TV as a monitor


Ok i will give the ping a try from the console and reply here in a few minutes with the results

Edited by puggsy21
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Ok so as i can only use the console i tried pinging both my PC and router from the server and both were ok as packets were sent and received with 0 lost.


I then tried pinging the server from my PC with the same results everything was good


Im just so confused on what is causing this issue as i was using it with unraid about 6 months ago with the free trial, i have bought a new usb sandisk cruzer and installed a fresh new copy of unraid on it with the hopes i was going to be able to fire it up and activate unraid with the license i purchased yesterday but have since been facing this issue

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Thats what i have tried already, i have a brand new usb drive and installed a new fresh copy of unraid on it. It just seems to be the webgui side of things when i try to visit it from my main PC the browser just sits there spinning then says "The site cant be reached" the connection was reset

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