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USB flash drive corrupted or offline

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I have been running a 6.11.5 server for some time now without much issue. Well, it seems my flash drive is now either corrupted or 'offline'.

(missing key file??)   I logged in today to see this:


So, I logged in to Connect to download the backup and pro.key.  After downloading both I now see that the drive is BLACKLISTED:


Flash config shows a clearly invalid GUID:



So, I have just a few key questions for clarification:

1. Can I just install the same 6.11.5 OS on a new USB drive, boot without the backup config or pro.key, 'transfer' the license to new drive from the console' then shutdown and copy the (backup) /config to the new drive then boot to UnRaid and my good config?  I guess what im asking here is, is there any danger of corrupting my unraid server by booting to a basic (demo) usb flash drive and looking around before transferring then copying my good configs to the new drive?

2. How the heck does this just 'happen'?  I did not transfer my license (didnt even remove the bad one) so why did my bad usb drive get automagically blacklisted?  What usb flash drive is my license now assigned to?

3. How would YOU recover from this?




Edited by Green Dragon
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shutdown unraid server, pulled the drive, reinstalled from backup, restarted, VIOLA!

this is the second time this flash drive has lost its mind (and GUID).

the guid normally looks something like this: 53209-234590-672075320707808932

when it fails it looks like this: 53209-234590-000000000000000000


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