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Cache drives: "Unmountable: Unsupported or no file system"

Go to solution Solved by JorgeB,

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I'm looking for some help as I've just started encountering the "Unmountable: Unsupported or no file system" error on my cache drives.

I first noticed some issues as I couldn't connect to the internet. I narrowed it down to the pihole Docker I have running on Unraid and figured something happened and devices could not resolve DNS. However, I was unable to reach the web GUI so I ended up forcing a hard boot.

When it came back, I noticed none of the Dockers were starting; I was getting the error code 403 but my cache drive was not full. I also took a at the network settings and noticed I had Google configured as the DNS server so I tried changing it to my secondary pihole running on a Raspberry Pi 4. However, I needed to disable Docker to make these changes. When I re-enabled Docker, nothing was showing up in my Docker tab so I did another reboot.

When it came back again, the Docker tab said nothing could be loaded and that's when I noticed that my cache drives were showing as unmountable. I reverted my network change just on the off chance that it somehow caused some issue (which I highly doubt).



I'd appreciate any help and if there's anything else I can try to provide to help in troubleshooting, please let me know. Some details from what I could find so far:
- SMART comes back fine on both cache drives

- when I run the file system check on the first cache drives (sdb), it returns the following:


[1/7] checking root items No mapping for 10376294388693581824-10376294388693598208 Couldn't map the block 10376294388693581824 Couldn't map the block 10376294388693581824 bad tree block 10376294388693581824, bytenr mismatch, want=10376294388693581824, have=0 ERROR: failed to repair root items: Input/output error [2/7] checking extents No mapping for 10376294388693581824-10376294388693598208 Couldn't map the block 10376294388693581824 Couldn't map the block 10376294388693581824 bad tree block 10376294388693581824, bytenr mismatch, want=10376294388693581824, have=0 ref mismatch on [24327987200 4096] extent item 0, found 1


This is just an excerpt. It then includes a whole bunch of mismatches.


Again, any help would be appreciated as I'm a bit lost at how to recover from this, if possible.


Edit: Managed to SSH into the server and grab diagnostics manually that way.


Edited by Gemini_05
Added diagnostics
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So, my server was good for a while but then I noticed some of my Dockers were not working properly. I tried restarting them but started getting the "Execution Error 403" even though my cache was not full. I tried stopping the array and then restarting and then ran into the "unmountable" error again with my cache disks. I ran the "btrfs rescue" command above and the cache disks were mountable once again and my Dockers restarted.


This is starting to make me nervous and I'm wondering if something else is amiss.

I've attached some updated diagnostics and would appreciate input from all of you wiser than I.


Thank you in advance.


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8 hours ago, JorgeB said:

If the issue reoccurred suggest backing up and re-formatting the pool, if not it will likely re-occur again in the near future.


I ended up resorting to this. However, been encountering issues getting everything back up and running after restoring from backup.

More configuration issues but kind of frustrating that stuff that worked just a few days ago now isn't working at all.

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