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XFS Cache Drive: unmountable no file system detected

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Wondering if anyone can help me. I tried to expand my cache pool to include a second 2Tb NVMe. However when I restarted the array my original cache disc was listed being an XFS file system but unmountable with no file system detected. 


I've been searching the forums and subsequently have stopped the array, decreased the pool size back to 1, tried forcing XFS as the file system, reboot, tried the XFS repair (but reports no file system found).  Remounting the cache drive it comes back as being unmountable with no file system detected.


Ive been able to use ddresecue to clone the drive to the second NVMe and can it looks to be copying data over so it doesn't seem like the data has been wiped?


I am wondering if anyone has any ideas how I can get Unraid to mount and read the drive again or how I can get the data off to another computer or the array as I house my appdata folder on the cache drive and while not the end of the world would be great to not have to set up my Plex, home assistant ..etc from scratch. 


Thanks for any help 


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