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Unclean shutdown(Cannot stop md/unraid driver)

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For about a year, my unraid server always starts a parity check after normal shutdown/reboot(e.g. when i shutdown through webGui). I used to think perhaps that's because i am running too many containers so the shutdown process timed out. 


But today i check the logs when unraid is shutting down:

Stopping md/unraid driver:
/etc/rc.d/rc.6: line 273: /usr/local/sbin/mdcmd: No such file or directory.
Unclean shutdown - Cannot stop md/unraid driver

line 273 of /etc/rc.d/rc.6 is: /usr/local/sbin/mdcmd stop 

here is the relevant part in /etc/rc.d/rc.6, the line 273 is the 4th line in the code block

# limetech - shut down the unraid driver if started
if /bin/grep -qs 'mdState=STARTED' /proc/mdstat ; then
  echo "Stopping md/unraid driver:"
  /usr/local/sbin/mdcmd stop
  if ! /bin/grep -qs 'mdState=STOPPED' /proc/mdstat ; then
    echo "Unclean shutdown - Cannot stop md/unraid driver"
    # we have to mount /boot again
    if ! /sbin/mount -v /boot ; then
      echo "Unclean shutdown - Cannot remount /boot"
      /bin/rm -f /boot/config/forcesync
      /sbin/umount /boot
      echo "Clean shutdown"


The following is the auto-generated diagnostics when shutting down, and the actually photo of the screen when shutting down(which might be helpful)



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I suggest several things:

  • Update all your dockers as they are out of date.
  • Upgrade to 6.12.3.  A docker stopping issue has been fixed that might be what's happening to you.
  • Check the Settings->Docker "Docker stop timeouot" and see if that is enough time to shut down your dockers.
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