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My server is locking up temporarily

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Hi all.


I have this issue for a long time but now i want to get it fixed :)


Dell PowerEdge T350.

Intel® Xeon® E-2336 CPU @ 2.90GHz

32 Gb ram

Unraid : 6.11.5


When something is downloading or im doing docker upragdes or something on the server i get CPU spikes.

But the it is only for a small mount of time.


My cache drive is 2 x Samsung 870 evo in a pool btrfs.


So it cut be 2 things 


1: A bug in the Samsung drives?


2: High IOwait. But how can i see if this is the problem?






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3 minutes ago, JorgeB said:

When this happens it usually helps to dedicate a fast device for downloads and/or use exclusive shares for that.

Hi JorgeB


Yeap i use my cache drives for the downloads.


What about this guy ?


(1) Boost Your Unraid NAS Performance by 50%: Fix Disk IO Wait - YouTube


He talks about edit tha appdata folders to point at the cache drive. But my appdata folder allready is set tu "prefer" cache :)

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5 minutes ago, DanielPT said:

But changing the paths to the disk will change anything?

The idea is that by-passing the Unraid Fuse layer that supports User Shares then there is better performance.


as was mentioned if you are on a 6.12.x release then you can get the same performance by setting up the share to run in Exclusive mode without having to change paths.

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33 minutes ago, DanielPT said:

Hmm so it is a good idea to set my download folder and appdata folder to Exclusive mode ? They are on the same Samsung SSD pool.

If that is the only place they are located (I.e. nothing set for secondary storage) then the answer is yes.    Note that to get Exclusive mode you first need to make sure this set to be available under Settings- Global Share settings, and then also enable it for the relevant shares.   

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7 minutes ago, itimpi said:

If that is the only place they are located (I.e. nothing set for secondary storage) then the answer is yes.    Note that to get Exclusive mode you first need to make sure this set to be available under Settings- Global Share settings, and then also enable it for the relevant shares.   

But can i breake something when using exclusice shares? Is it not better to check if it is IOwait first before i do anything?

I do use hardlinks for my downloads.

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35 minutes ago, DanielPT said:

But can i breake something when using exclusice shares?

Not that I know of. 


36 minutes ago, DanielPT said:

Is it not better to check if it is IOwait first before i do anything?


Using an Exclusive share is more efficient so would probably reduce ioWait as well.

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Okay i need to upgrade to 6.12.3 to get exclusive share.


So i have 2 options:


1: Upragde to 6.12.3 and make appdata exclusive


2: Move my app data to the guild in Dell ssd and take the risk that it will blow someday and i need to restore my dockers from backup


What will you think will help me?


Netdata got me this today


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