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How to makr docker stop when ip changes

Go to solution Solved by JonathanM,

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I have a static ip with my primary connection, I also have a backup connection that relies on lte and it's not unlimited. So I'm trying to figure out a way to stop some dockers when the primary connection is down, I think the easiest way is to write a script that checks the ip, so when it changes from the static one it shut down some dockers and when it's back up it restart those. I don't really know how to accomplish that

I'd really appreciate any help, thanks 

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Here is a link to a post with some of the parts you need. I use it to start a VM after my gateway IP is pingable.



You could reuse some of the code to stop and start containers with the docker pause and unpause or stop and start.


It would need a major rewrite to accomplish exactly what you want cleanly, but I think all the parts are there.

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Than you! I made 2 scripts, one that starts with array and stay in loop until my static ip can't be reached, so it stops some dockers, restart a vm and start the second script, that stays up until my static ip is up than it make the same thing but in reverse. Seems to work just fine

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