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Unraid 6.9.2 Freezes hangs when copy data

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when i copy data from my pc to my share sometimes it hangs freeze then i need to wait, but like i can't do anything even when plex is playing plex freezes for 10 sec then everything comes back and data is copying 

i think there is a problem with disk one but all smarts are good ?

anyone an idea ? 

this tower-diagnostics is taken just when it happend but i don't see anything wrong ?



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10 hours ago, JorgeB said:


Thought so, I have updated to last unraid version but sadly it still there, I think it's better but still freezes hangs,


Like now I'm copying data van disk 1 to other disk with balancer plugin

I can't even watch Plex or open the share unless I stop the data copy :(

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1 minute ago, JorgeB said:

Nothing logged, some users have issues when reading and writing from user shares, unclear why only some are affected, see if you can limit those operations to when Plex is not being used, using disk shares (or exclusive shares) might help if practical for your use case.

okey still thanks for looking i will replace the old drives just to be sure

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