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WEB GUI not fully loading

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I'm currently trying to troubleshoot an issue I have with the WEB GUI not completely loading.

Unraid loads up, shares, dockers, and VMs all work correctly.


Researching this issue has been difficult because the vast majority of stuff I find is about the WEB GUI not loading at all.


I found the attached thread, but unfortunately the issue appears to be different (though this user conveniently forgot to state what solved the issue).

I've verified I can write to the USB (unlike the issue in that thread), I've ran chkdsk on the drive and no errors were found, and I've tried several different USB ports (including buying a USB 2.0 Adapter since my board didn't have any USB 2.0 ports).


The drive itself appears to be as it should, and I've pulled a backup of the drive directly but I'm unable to access the WEB GUI to perform the Flash Backup present to try a new drive (I have plenty to test)


Definitely could use some more advice, as was pointed out in the thread I linked this is typically a flash drive issue, but I'm not sure what to check next.

Pastebin Password: 4NZChcv0Pw


Edited by techlovin
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