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Strange (and bad) behavior after power loss, is what happened possible?


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So I have set a few UNRAID, with my own counting (way) more than a decade.
Never seen that before...

The server in question is for a friend, I've set it up months ago (maybe a year). Hasn't happened to it before either.
Server went down ungracefully, because of a power outage beyond UPS capacity.
Normally this is no issue, system does an extra parity check and all ok.

And indeed they were...
Except people in that SOHO noticed the main share was not working any more.
Quickly I noticed I could access it ok using IP instead of hostname, so I gave them that temp solution.
Then SOME discovered they couldn't WRITE in the share!

Then I went deeper to see in UNRAID what could be the issue.

Server seemed to run ok, latest version, everything mostly updated, containers (very few) and VM (a Win11 that needs to run a couple of Win-only things) running ok.

Since this is a SOHO, there is no real granularity in the access of the main share, it is set to private, but read/write for both the "advanced" user (the owner) and "user" (the rest of them). This is how it was always.

First thing I noticed which is WEIRD, is that server changed back to default name "Tower"! First time I've seen this!
This explained why they didn't see the server as it was not named as expected and mapping didn't work!

Then I noticed that even the VM couldn't write to the share (although able to read it).
I was forced to switch the share to "public" instead of secure!


After I stopped array and changed the name back, I rebooted (gracefully this time) the server and thought everything was ok now.

But after the reboot NO container starts (although docker is running), with "bad parameter"!!!


The last thing is the worse! I am not sure what to do!


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19 minutes ago, NLS said:

First thing I noticed which is WEIRD, is that server changed back to default name "Tower"!

This suggest that the configuration information was not read off the flash drive.     It might be worth putting it into a Windows system and let it be checked (and whole at it make a backup of the ‘config’ folder.


You may get better informed feedback if you attach the system’s diagnostics zip file to your next post in this thread.


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