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Unmountable: Unsupported partition layout

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I am Trialing Unraid.

I precleared 2 1TB HDD disks and added them to the array.

I then did the tests which came up positive.

They are showing up as Unmountable: Unsupported partition layout.

I have followed other threads regarding this issue and none of the solutions have worked.

The official instructions say 1. Stop the array and unassign the devices. 2 restart the array but the start button is greyed out.

Can someone please advice me on how to fix the issue?




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If these are new disks then they need to be formatted after adding them to the array to create an empty file system and prepare them to receive data.   


I think you may be getting confused by the different scenario where existing array drives with data on them get reported as unmountable as in that case formatting them is the wrong thing to do.,

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Hi Thanks for the info.

I am learning how to set up an array for the first time using old disks and an old PC.

I am confused about the order of operations.

Does the preclearing need to be done before adding disks to the array?


So would preclearing be a waste of time as formatting would negate the preclearing?

From my understanding this wipes all data and is a good way to check if the disks are ok.


Do I need to preclear disks before or after formatting?

Do I format the disks after adding them to the array and would this negate the preclear process



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16 minutes ago, anesthetic-sausage1560 said:

Does the preclearing need to be done before adding disks to the array?

If you are going to Preclear (but it is not required) then it is done before adding a disk to the array.

formatting wiped Preclear so should NOT be done after Preclear before adding to the array.


18 minutes ago, anesthetic-sausage1560 said:

From my understanding this wipes all data and is a good way to check if the disks are ok

The check of the disk he’s;the is what matters.   Wiping existing data is a by-product.


18 minutes ago, anesthetic-sausage1560 said:

Do I format the disks after adding them to the arra

You format after adding to the array to create an empty file system.


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