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/var/log is getting full (currently 100 % used)

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14 minutes ago, Mainfrezzer said:

just looking at it the log, bluetooth issue.

Aug 29 23:06:54 Odin bluetoothd[20739]: src/adv_monitor.c:btd_adv_monitor_offload_supported() Manager is NULL, get offload support failed

Oh wow - any idea on how to troubleshoot that one? :D

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  • 4 weeks later...

I have the same issue, it is currently reported upstream in bluez but is definitely the dongle you are using (mine is doing it too)  we have to wait for someone to repackage a newer version of bluez for slackware and then will need to update it from our end (i used un-get for my bluez)

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On 9/3/2023 at 5:20 AM, beasthouse said:

I've just started getting the `/var/log is getting full (currently 100 % used)` error. No idea what is causing it. Have uploaded my diagnostics here. Anyone able to point me in the right direction?



Alright, I have it fixed.... a bit more hacked together than un-get for sure but here goes......


I first went and found a bluez package that was both built for slackware, and was newer than 5.63 (the busted version)

I narrowed it down to this one:



I then removed the one that un-get had installed, dumped the more up to date packages somewhere convenient (in my case /boot/config)


and added the following line to my go file (/boot/config/go):

installpkg /boot/config/go/bluez-5.70-x86_64-1.txz


before the rc.d call (if you're using bluetooth inside home assistant you probably modified the go file already to add /etc/rc.d/rc.bluetooth start)


I am running unraid 6.11.5 and havent tested anything more up to date, hope this helps.

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1 hour ago, mkfelidae said:

Alright, I have it fixed.... a bit more hacked together than un-get for sure but here goes......


I first went and found a bluez package that was both built for slackware, and was newer than 5.63 (the busted version)

I narrowed it down to this one:



I then removed the one that un-get had installed, dumped the more up to date packages somewhere convenient (in my case /boot/config)


and added the following line to my go file (/boot/config/go):

installpkg /boot/config/go/bluez-5.70-x86_64-1.txz


before the rc.d call (if you're using bluetooth inside home assistant you probably modified the go file already to add /etc/rc.d/rc.bluetooth start)


I am running unraid 6.11.5 and havent tested anything more up to date, hope this helps.


Awesome, thanks. I will take a look to see if this resolves my issue!

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