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Added new drive to array, drive is NOT encrypted

Go to solution Solved by itimpi,

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Hi folks,

I added a new drive to the array, it's formatted in xfs and is running. Paritiy rebuild and parity check are done. Data is already on the drive but it seems to be not encrypted like the other ones. Do I miss something? Is this normally not done automatically? Already tried to stop and start the array.


Thanks in advance.


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What do you have set as the default file system?     It will automatically only be encrypted if that is set to one of the encrypted variants, or you explicitly set it to be encrypted by changing the file system by clicking on the drive (with the array stopped) before formatting it.


You may find this section of the online documentation useful if you want to change the file system type (but note that it will wipe any existing content on the drive).

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12 hours ago, Jules0815 said:

Paritiy rebuild

Why did you rebuild parity? Do you mean you did New Config in order to ADD a disk to a new slot? That isn't the usual procedure.


2 minutes ago, Jules0815 said:

formatted the drive with "Unassigned Devices"

No point in formatting a disk you are going to ADD to a new slot in the array since Unraid will clear any disk added to a new slot in an array that alraedy has valid parity. This is so parity will remain valid. After that clearing, you can format the drive.

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