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Opening up for brother's 3-2-1 backup strategy

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My brother and I have both been really trying to make an effort to not only ensure our data is safe, but also take back some control from the big guys. Which is what landed me in Unraid land in the first place.


He lives in another state.  I have plenty of room on my server and would like to allocate 20GBs or so with room to grow that he can use as his offsite option.  My original idea was to use something like Zerotier to create the network connection between his network and mine, and then have a share waiting for him to use.  What I don't know is if that is the best strategy to do it.  And how can I *only* allow him access to his dedicated share and no docker containers, etc?  I poked around the web and see that some folks will do a VPN of some sort or Syncthing on a one way transfer with a VPS in the middle as an "untrusted" source so any data at rest is encrypted.  And I'm not at all opposed to it.  In fact I keep trying to figure out how I can fit it into my flow and actually put it to work.  My only hold up with Syncthing is that it's a bit of a bear to setup for me, and I'm more technically inclined than he is!


So who here has a similar arrangement with family or friends?  How are you doing it?  Or folks that are doing it the other way and using family/friend's houses for their own offsite  purposes.


He trusts me and I trust him, but that doesn't mean I don't want his data to be encrypted before it lands on my disks and as stated earlier, I don't want him to even accidentally land in some other docker container while he's got a live VPN connection. 


I'd love to hear any ideas.  I know for sure I won't be opening it to the internet at all, it would either be VPN or the Syncthing+VPS route instead.

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