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Cant reinstall Docker Apps after remove


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Your docker folder is in the system share.  This share is set to be moved to the array, and the files now exist between the array (disk 1 and the cache pool). You really don't want this.


Not only (if mover fully succeeds in moving everything to the array) is there a huge performance hit in running docker from the array, but in terms of when only some files can be moved (which is to be expected since docker always has files open and mover can't move in use files) it's probably going to play havoc with weird things happening.


What I'd do.


Stop docker service in Settings, Docker

In advanced view, check off and delete the folder

From Shares, system settings set the Use Pool setting to move from the Array to the Cache Pool (ie: use cache: prefer)

From Main, Array Operations run Mover (Move Now)

Settings, Docker -> re-enable the service

Apps, Previous Apps -> check off what you want re-installed and hit the "install x apps"

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Hello Squid,


thank you very much for your reply.

I have a problem to follow your advices.

Line one done!

Line 2 in advanced view there is no off and delete folder ....

See picture.


As In sad, I'm a newbie ...


and line 3 there is no phrase pool !?!?!



Edited by rudiruder
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sorry for the late response but I was very busy.

Thank you for yor reply.

Here is ths status after deleting the directories.

I'm lost again because main array opperation shows mover is runing since about 5 days ...

and settings fix common problems is exactly warning about to move the fioles from the array to cache but what about the mover action ...


Thank you very much again.,...


BTW when it is so important, why unraid is accepting such a mess ... ?!?

I installed everything with a youtube tutorial and it worked until I deleted an docker app !


Greetings RR



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