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Samba is puking, dying, or otherwise hanging

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This is now happening all the time.  It used to be a regular (once or twice a month) occurance, but today it has now happened three times, and I have some idea why.


Shares are available to Windows machines.  After a particular amount of file I/O onto the array, all shares disappear, and /mnt/user becomes unavailable with errors at the shell prompt.  /mnt/user: Transport endpoint is not connected


Today I am doing a lot of maintenance on my media library, and sabnzbd is downloading several terabytes of data.  It gets to a certain point, successfully, and then the aforementioned issue pops up.  Stopping and starting the array has no effect; only a reboot will bring /mnt/user back online.  Then sab will continue about its business until the next the time issue happens.  Like I said, sitting here for the last couple of hours, its now happened three time.


This has been an ongoing issue for me for at least a year, but today it is bad enough (and consistent) enough that I've had enough.  Diags attached.





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I have 250GB of queue going in sab.


I have Windows Explorer open as I peruse the filesystem cleaning up old files, fixing renaming errors sonarr or sab screw up, etc.


Within 60 minutes of conducting both of these activities at the same time, the issue surfaces.


Its now happened six or seven times today.  It seems to be the consistent manipulation of the filesystem in some way (usually unpacking downloaded rar files is the instant at which it occurs).


It occurs when Explorer is closed and sab is the only thing messing with the filesystem (although in fairness Plex is doing its constantly watching thing in the background, indexing newly downloaded files)

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