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Unraid instance becoming wildly unreliable


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Hello All


For months/years Unraid was rock-solid for me.  But over the last ~4 months, it has become increasingly unstable.  By this I mean the entire system becomes unresponsive and I must pull power to get it to respond.  Initially it was maybe once a month this would happen.  Then it became weekly.  Now it is daily & the system is no longer reliable at all.  There is no rhyme or reason to when it decides to hang -- sometimes in the middle of the day, sometimes in the middle of the night. Sometimes the system is dead as a door nail.  Other times I can get some limited response from the web UI, but this usually hangs hard within a minute or two of clicking around trying to figure out what is going on.


I've tried looking at logs, but the system logs only seem to exist from when the server is restarted -- meaning I can't see logs from the hang, only starting from the reboot.  Surely there must be older logs than that, but I can't find them.


Any suggestions on how to diagnose this would be appreciated!



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While reading other posts, I think I found the issue.  Somehow, my Docker configuration returned to using Macvlan.  I have reconfigured it back to IPvlan -- hopefully this resolves the issue for me.


I'd still be interested in learning how to get better systems logs if there is a way.

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