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Option to remove Historical Devices unavailable

Go to solution Solved by RasterEyes,

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I have three historical devices which accumulated while looking at some old drives, figuring out which one I'd previously used as a parity drive.


Now that I found the drive I was looking for (to recycle it as a cache drive), I have no need to keep info about the other drives. But each drive has a black X, not a red X next to it. Clicking the black X does nothing (the mouse cursor doesn't change passing over the X either).


How can I get rid of these? The array being stopped or started doesn't make a difference for this.


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Rebooting my array did the trick.


I'm not sure if this might be why my array was clinging to these drives until a reboot, but just before checking out all of the various drives, I'd gone into by computer's BIOS and enabled hot-swapping for all on-board SATA ports so I could add and remove drives without a power cycle each time.

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