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New today! Unmountable: Unsupported or no file system

Go to solution Solved by JorgeB,

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Hey everyone! First things first, a quick shoutout to all who are on here helping.  I admit I feel a tad guilty in that I rarely visit unless I’m facing a problem.


The background:  For awhile now, 3 or 5 months-ish my system would just stop responding.  Usually I’d notice docker container / apps not working (I don’t keep any VMs running) which would lead me to the control panel.  Eventually, I’d try to shut the array down and / or do a clean reboot.  Most times, this led to a complete freeze and a forced reboot.


I immediately suspected a bad drive but I couldn’t figure it out which one.  Either I was too lazy or unskilled to find it.  I suspected a drive that ends up not being the one that won’t mount.  So, I don’t know.  I tried to set up a syslog remote to see what the logs were right before the crash but I could only ever get the logs while I was messing with the remote.  It would never update.


SOOOOO.. today, dockers stop responding and I though, I’m going to beat it to the punch and do a clean reboot.  Wrong!  I initiated it but it froze and after quite some time I did the force reboot.


When it came back up I have now got the “Unmountable” warning which had never shown up before.  Shame on me I panicked and stopped the parity check. But if it helps my case, I typically let them run and had a successful run only a couple days ago…(I know.. I know).


So I do a little reading here and run a GUI Check Filesystem status on the disk.  It finds a couple of things and I’m fairly confident to rerun and let it repair.  It reruns, but still unmountable.  I rerun it  and the errors remained as if I didn’t remove the -n switch.


Here comes the ask.  What do I do from here? I ran the diagnostic and have it if it is needed but if it is just the drive, I’m not hurting for array space and have no issues in just removing it.  It was a smaller older drive (lasted me years here in Unraid).  The question is, if I simply remove it, will parity move/rebuild the data to one of my newer bigger drives that already has data?  I think I know the answer but asking for a friend.  Actually, I have a similar sized drive that has little to no data that could be moved off but will parity rebuild on a drive that was already in the array?  I’m guessing once I use unbalance to move the few files elsewhere, I’d just move the working drive to the unmountable drive slot? If I’m reading https://docs.unraid.net/legacy/FAQ/replacing-a-data-drive/ right.


I’ve also read through https://docs.unraid.net/legacy/FAQ/shrink-array/ and https://docs.unraid.net/legacy/FAQ/replacing-multiple-data-drives/ but nothing matches what I’m doing close enough for me not to ask. I’ve looked at quite a bit of other docs too and now I think I have just confused myself. 


Any suggestions or directions are greatly appreciated!


TL;DR:  For the past 3-5 months, my Unraid system has been freezing and affecting Docker containers, requiring frequent forced reboots. Today, I received a new "Unmountable" warning on one of my drives for the first time. I'm looking for advice on next steps, including whether I can remove this problematic drive and have its data rebuilt on another existing drive through parity.



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Thank you both...  You are truly appreciated!


It did ask for the -L which I didn't notice before.  I would've looked into it had I saw it.  BUT in all honesty I probably wouldn't have ran that seeing the description of what it does.  I am up and running on that drive again and for those wondering. No data loss.  Now, I need to start reading a bit more to see if that was my issue all along or if I need to do more in depth maintenance.


Again, I can't say enough good things about this community and you being here for us!

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14 hours ago, Patrick Schweitzer said:

The question is, if I simply remove it, will parity move/rebuild the data to one of my newer bigger drives that already has data?  I think I know the answer but asking for a friend.  Actually, I have a similar sized drive that has little to no data that could be moved off but will parity rebuild on a drive that was already in the array?

You can't rebuild onto existing data disk if that's what you're asking.  If the disk isn't already part of the array, you can rebuild to it, but any pre-existing data will be overwritten.


Also, if the problem is within the file system, a disk rebuild from parity will result in having same problem.

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