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Recovery Assistance

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Looking for assistance on my unraid system.  I have a 10 disk array + 2 parity drives that I'm trying to get back to a stable state. Currently, I lost 1 data drive and 1 parity drive (physical incident knocked them out) and the last operating parity drive is in a poor state (lots of errors).  When trying to rebuild the data drive and add a parity drive at the same time the only parity drive that is operational is throwing tons of errors and filling up my log space, hence halting parity sync at 21%.  Is my system a loss cause at this point?  I'm trying to save as much as possible as there's around 100TB of data on this array. 


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@Squid I don't believe this is a cable issue.  The 2 completely failed drives (parity 1 & data 1) and the problematic 3rd drive (parity 2) suffered an impact during heavy writing.  The parity2 drive is throwing errors due to a failing drive, not because cables are loose or faulty.  I'm looking for assistance on how I can recover with minimal data loss as possible.  If my only option is to have the one data drive be a loss, then how can I rebuild the array with the existing data on the other 9 data drives in the array.


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With parity1 and disk1 disabled, you need parity2 to read without error to rebuild disk1.


You can build parity to new disk(s) without disk1 by performing a new config; retaining all disk assignments while setting your new parity slot(s) and omitting disk1.


Then you can attempt to recover data from disk1 if it can be mounted outside the array.  Do you have backups?

Edited by dboonthego
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