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6.12.4 Two drives showing as disabled, replaced drives still disabled

Go to solution Solved by itimpi,

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Earlier this week I had two drives, 1 parity one data, show up as disabled.  Red X "device disabled".

I shutdown, removed those devices, and installed new drives.  They're still showing up disabled.

I even moved one of the drives to a free slot in my 24 bay chassis same problem.

Am I missing something simple?  Or do I really have "part" of a cable (I say part as they are SPF 8087 cables between the SAS expander and the chassis backplane, so if one of the cables was bad some how I'd assume one whole "tray" of drives would be failing?   Or Is the backplane of the chassis bad already?  I've only had it a few months now, can you even get parts for such a case?

I was able to run an extended smart self test on both drives which passed.


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Replacing a disabled disk is not sufficient to remove the disabled state.   To do this you need to rebuild them as if described here in the online documentation accessible via the Manual link at the bottom of the Unraid GUI.  In addition every forum page has a DOCS link at the top and a Documentation link at the bottom.   The Unraid OS->Manual section covers most aspects of the current Unraid release.


Note that a drive being disabled does not necessarily mean there is a problem with the drive.   More often than not it is a problem with the power or SATA cabling to the drive.

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