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I'm getting this error - Share xxx references non existent cache pool yyy - but the share never had referenced a pool at all.

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So, I'm getting this error:

Share books references non existent pool cache

I followed the link to the forum where this error and a fix are explained.

But, what I don't understand is that I've never had this share using any cache pool at all. What is true is that about a week ago I did update all the cache pools by adding an additional cache pool with a pair of nvme's. 

I'm curious as to what could be causing this because now ALL my shares are reporting the same error, and as with the share above... none of the others except appdata were using the cache.


Edited by dv310p3r
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According to your diagnostics that share DOES reference a pool called ‘cache’.    I would check through all your shares to make sure they reference the correct pool.


There also seem to be a lot of .cfg files in the config/shares folder on the flash drive that reference shares that no longer exist.   Deleting these would tidy up the diagnostics by removing irrelevant information. 

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43 minutes ago, itimpi said:

According to your diagnostics that share DOES reference a pool called ‘cache’.    I would check through all your shares to make sure they reference the correct pool.



Could there be some kind of issue with configs after upgrading? Or, am I missing something? When I go into the Shares, they are not configured to use a pool, as far as I can tell, below are some screenshots of some of the shares. 







Also, where can I find the flash drive to remove those files you mentioned? I do most of my file management via ssh and using midnight commander. 


Edited: found the /boot/ folder... 



Edited by dv310p3r
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Ok, yeah. So, somehow what's being shown in the frontend, and what the config file are for the shares are different. When I make a slight change, like the description and then apply with it's current setting, the config file for the share then accurately reflects what's on the UI. 

So, i guess my next question would be, if the UI is not reflecting what's in the config file, which is reflecting how unraid behaves. Is it whatever is in the UI or is it whatever is in the config file for the share. My gut says config, but what would be odd about that is that I have seen files move onto the array and not into the cache. So I'm not sure.

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