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6.12.4 All Docker containers missing.

Go to solution Solved by keywal,

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I recently replaced some failing drives, and followed the process in one of space invader one's videos to encrypt the last few drives in my array.

After the rebuild process completed I noticed the docker tab was missing.  I might have disabled docker sometime during that week long process but cant recall for sure.  When I re-enabled docker none of my containers show up in the GUI.

I've spent a few days trying to figure out what went wrong.

Firstly.... I think I may remember late one night seeing a warning / error from Fix Common Problems advising me to change the "primary storage" for the appdata share to Cache.



But I'm not 100% sure on that.  Lesson learned... don't change multiple things at once... and don't try to fix extra stuff when half asleep at 2am...

I also think I may have followed another of space invader one's guides quite some time ago to move appdata, or docker stuff?, or maybe it was just the VMs.. onto an unassigned device that is a NVME ssd I have in the system.   But I couldn't find that in my notes, or which guide that may have been searching through his videos.

There's one thing I could think of to try to fix this.  I recalled my docker.img running out of space years back and all the containers vanishing.  Searching the forums and documentation I found this section.


"Re-Create the Docker image file"

Maybe that is what I need to try to do here, but I was hoping to get input on that decision before I do it.  I feel I've already made things bad enough and don't want to make them worse still.


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As long as you still have the app data folder than re-creating the docker image isnt really an issue.

You will have to install your containers again.

Just make sure to create any custom networks before you try installing a bunch of previous apps at the same time.

(The previous network wont be there and all containers will have no network) Easy fix but annoying! :)


Also forgot to say, did you confirm your docker image is actually in the path specified in docker settings?

Stop docker if not, move it to the location specified (Or change the location to wherever it is now) and start docker again.

Edited by keywal
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