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Kingston 64 GB SSD - $60 after MIR


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The cloning software that comes with Kingston drives is Acronis TrueImage.  It's excellent!


That being said, I have had two Kingston SSDs go bad in recent months.  The last time they replaced one they actually sent me a new drive instead of a refurb.


it's stories like this and reviews on newegg that make me afraid.

When these drives go, they go catastrophically.

I have the older OCZ vertex and agility drives along with the 40gb intel that are still running good.

The latest batches of OCZ and intel have many reviews of failures.

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The cloning software that comes with Kingston drives is Acronis TrueImage.  It's excellent!


That being said, I have had two Kingston SSDs go bad in recent months.  The last time they replaced one they actually sent me a new drive instead of a refurb.


it's stories like this and reviews on newegg that make me afraid.

When these drives go, they go catastrophically.

I have the older OCZ vertex and agility drives along with the 40gb intel that are still running good.

The latest batches of OCZ and intel have many reviews of failures.


I agree that SSD's are getting a bad rep for failure. and when they go, it is total loss.

I have yet to see one go at work and we have a ton of SSD's (mostly Intel or the crappy dell (samsung) 1.8" ones) in our laptop fleet.


On the other side of the coin.. if you know they are prone to disaster and you are not backing them up daily, you must be the kind of person that knows they will win the lottery.


SSD's are so small and quick to back up, you would be silly not to.







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I hate re-installing all my software, that's all.

usually I do a clone to another partition on a magnetic drive since most of the time I have an SSD for the OS and a magnetic drive for the data.


I.E. on my DJ and music laptops, SSD for os,programs,plugins. Magnetic data drive for MP3's and/or audio recordings.

with my XBMC I have the OS on SSD and all media on TB spindles.

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