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Moving system, docker and appdata to SSD (cache)

Go to solution Solved by JorgeB,

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Hello everyone,


I was browsing the forum searching how to move system data to ssd pool, but I'm seeing everyone talking about cache option, which I don't see.

I have primary storage / secondary storage options. If I specify the secondary storage, mover option is enabled.


So, what's the correct procedure to move files to SSD? It's a new install so nothing to keep


Also, I have a warning saying some or all files are unprotected, how can I solve that?


Edit: I assume that assigning only a pool as primary storage is equal to cache: only and assigning also a secondary storage is the same as "prefer"?

Edited by Jetro
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Thank you Jorge,

Procedure done. Now I see system which is totally on SSD, but have a warning symbol telling me "Some or all file are unprotected".

Also "appdata" and another share of mine have the same warning. They're on SSD with some bytes left on Array, how can i delete that?


What does that warning mean? If it mean the files are only on the single cache SSD i'm okay with that, how can i disable that?

Edited by Jetro
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I can live with that ;)

Last question, if I ever wanted to backup SSD cache to Array data, is there a FAQ on how to do that i a correct manner?


I've read about setting HDD Array as secondary storage and run Mover daily, or also about a plugin.


In this way every time the mover runs it copy data from ssd to hdd, but I'm working on SSD only except if it fills up? So, if SSD ever fail I can set the Array as primary storage for that shares, change the SSD and move everything to the new disk?


Sorry for dumb questions, posts on forum mixed to other sources and os help sections sometimes drives me crazy

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22 minutes ago, Jetro said:

I've read about setting HDD Array as secondary storage and run Mover daily, or also about a plugin.

This would move the data to the array, not copy, there are various ways of backing up the pool, if you are using btrfs or zfs taking a snapshot and send/receive to another volume would be my choice.

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