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Help - Two Issues - Cache Size Incorrect & Docker


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Hi Everyone,


I ran into two issues. Hoping you guys can help out.


1. Cache Size: Cache used and free are reported incorrectly (or I am not understanding something correctly). It says 33GB in use. I have moved all my shares settings to Cache -> Array and run the mover. I waited for several hours 10-12 hours for it to finish. So majority of the data should not be there. However, when I goto the share page it shows my virtual machine folders in cache. Here is the issue it says the .img single file in this folder is 68.7GB and it is on cache. So why is it showing 33GB on the main's page. Please look at the images attached to the post.

2. Docker: I moved from docker image to directory. Works perfectly for me. Did a clean reboot but when unraid came back online. Docker wasnt enabled and when I tried to enable it was set to docker image rather than the directory. Just wondering what could of have caused that to happen?

Please find my diagnostic attached to the post.

000-[8.24.15 PM].png

001-[8.24.26 PM].png

002-[8.24.37 PM].png

Edited by UWK
removed the comment around diagnostic. Cant download it. browser crashes by saying out of memory.
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Hey Kilrah.


Thanks for the prompt response. 

The reason I did the move was temporary to sort out why the usage is not being reported correctly. I am going to set the system to cache and move others back to cache. The issue however, is the virtual machine which is 68.7GB on cache but on the main page cache says on 30GB used. These aren't adding up. I know I was previously using 200+Gb on cache but it was reporting 70GB only.

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So once I changed all of the shared that should be on Cache and ran mover again. I let it ran for 1 day and nothing happened. The used disk drive size remained the same. I rebooted the system, shutdown the docker and ran it to no avail. 

Attaching diagnostics. If someone can please look and help me fix whatever I am doing wrong.


000-[3.18.46 PM].png

Edited by UWK
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