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Changed ISP, can't access Unraid Server

Go to solution Solved by nmkaufman,

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Hi all,


Please bear with me while I mangle my below explanation for what I'm needing help with...


A few years ago, I built my Unraid server with the help of SpaceInvaderOne's tutorials. It's ran fine until I recently changed my ISP and now I can't access it via the IP address I used to. Previously, I used my old ISP's router in a modem mode (I can't be more specific with the feature as I can't remember it) and had my Nighthawk R8000 as the router, wherein I set up static IP addresses within my network to allow the server to always point to the same address and had some port forwarding shenanigans going on however I can no longer access this router, as the address I'm seeing for it on my new IPS's hub gives me a timed out error. I am able to access it via the Nighthawk app and can see my Unraid server online and attached to it, but due to the limited functionality of the app, I can't do much else. I'd also add that my old ISP used 10. addresses whereas my new one uses 192.


I've tried to do some problem solving but unfortunately I'm not at the level I need to be to get this solved myself. Thank you for reading this far and for any help you can provide to this noob!




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2 hours ago, Baronque said:

can't access it via the IP address I used to. Previously, I used my old ISP's router in a modem mode


Bridge mode, more than likely? This disables the router in the the modem, and let's you use your own.


Go to google on your home network, and ask 'what's my ip?' Try connecting to that new IP address.


If it doesn't work, you'll need to re-enable bridge mode on the new gateway.


If you can't do that (more and more ISP's are disabling bridge mode) you'll need to use Tailscale, which luckily has never been easier.

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Thanks nmkaufman, this led me down the right path! I enabled ip pass through in dynamic mode with my router the only item connected. I lost access to the Internet at this point but soon realised I needed to connect to the lan port on my new hub rather than wan. I also changed the new hub's address range to 192.168.0 rather than .1 so that my old router wouldn't have any conflicts. 

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