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Playing music on my UnRaid server, Recommend me an app please!


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So I have the case where my server and my gym both live in my garage.

My wife wants to listen to music while she works out.


Fair enough.


But it doesn't really make sense to me to build a speaker driving bit of kit, when the server is literally right there!

Surely I could just plug some speakers in and my wife could remote play on her phone?

Is there any docker app that is designed for playing content on device?


Extra points if it has AirPlay/ChromeCast/MiraCast receiving capabilities.

Edited by minkshaman
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The best solution for your case is a Bluetooth speaker.  Please don't think I'm being glib, I'll explain.


Unraid does not support local audio devices (either on-board or HDMI from a GPU).  There are no drivers included in the distro, as there are so many different possibilities for hardware.  While Docker seems a logical alternative, the same issue applies - you would need a docker which you pass through the audio device and has the necessary drivers.  It is a question that has been asked here before, and I have yet to see a working solution proposed.


You can do this with a VM, but it isn't a great solution, especially when you factor in other users interacting with the system (the WAF - Wife Accepance Factor comes into play here).


You would need to create a VM, install the required audio drives, then a player application which can then be accessed by another device (assuming you don't want your wife using the local Unraid terminal).  This will use a bit of your server's resources and is prone to not working/issues (again WAF comes into play).


A Bluetooth speaker is a simpler solution, and one your wife is likely most familiar.  And she can then play whatever she wants in the way she usually does.

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6 hours ago, PSYCHOPATHiO said:

You could stream to an android or Apple device with Airsonic docker. this is the simplest method to use, i stream my music to my car andoid head unit and to my laptop or android device while im traveling.

Not really my use case sorry.


I get that it’s easy, but I want the speakers with the server.

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10 hours ago, ConnerVT said:

The best solution for your case is a Bluetooth speaker.  Please don't think I'm being glib, I'll explain.


Unraid does not support local audio devices (either on-board or HDMI from a GPU).  There are no drivers included in the distro, as there are so many different possibilities for hardware.  While Docker seems a logical alternative, the same issue applies - you would need a docker which you pass through the audio device and has the necessary drivers.  It is a question that has been asked here before, and I have yet to see a working solution proposed.


You can do this with a VM, but it isn't a great solution, especially when you factor in other users interacting with the system (the WAF - Wife Accepance Factor comes into play here).


You would need to create a VM, install the required audio drives, then a player application which can then be accessed by another device (assuming you don't want your wife using the local Unraid terminal).  This will use a bit of your server's resources and is prone to not working/issues (again WAF comes into play).


A Bluetooth speaker is a simpler solution, and one your wife is likely most familiar.  And she can then play whatever she wants in the way she usually does.

I hear what you’re saying, but that’s money I don’t have.


I found a tutorial from SpaceInvader on setting up Volumeio on a VM.

This fits most of my use case, but I’d really rather avoid Volumeio, as they do weird things like block Bluetooth access for unpaid users.


I’ll use it if nothing else shows up, but it seems weird to me that there’s no application for this.

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I imagine this is a bit of a long way around but... I'm pretty sure this could be done using Logitech Media Server (already available for Unraid) and a separate docker for the player - I see one for SqueezeLite already out there, though this is not a common use case (far more common are rPi based playback setups)

Certainly the media server remains my favorite (long before Logitech bought and destroyed the product line) - superior to anything else on the market in my opinion. There are plugins for all sorts of capabilities so may also get some extra points.

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