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how to transfer files (SOLVED)

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hi everyone

this is a new build

in my unraid server i have one harddrive 500gb WD green set as parity.(no files on it yet) i have no other discs (harddrives) installed.


i have another harddrive another 500gb WD green and it has my movies/file on and so on.(taken out f an external harddrive enclosure.and i want to put this harddrive in my unraid server as disc one. problem is if i just put the drive in my unraid will unraid delite all my files off this disc? i need to transfer all the data on it to parity? eather way i need to keep all that data im just unsure how to do this. can anyone help?


also can unraid stream movies to xbox 360?

cheers  :)





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thanks for replays. im confused i thought parity copys all data (like a backup)


so this is what i should do. install one hdd to my unraid. set it as disk1 and have no parity disk. then copy all my data of my external hdd from windows pc to unraid by ethernet. when thats done. i can then take the harddrive out of my external hdd case and put that in my unraid server and set that as parity?



if disk 1 is 500gb does that mean i need 500gb for parity?


thing is i have 2 harddrives. each one is 500gb WD green.



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For transferring the files I would suggest Tera Copy. And the parity disk needs to be equal or grater in size then any data drive. For example you can not have a 1 TB data disk and a 500 GIG parity drive, it will not work. I would also suggest pre clearing your drive using Joe's script. Do a search and you will find a wealth of knowledge.

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