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DownGrade from beta12a down to stable beta 6a

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Hello forum,


First I want to apologize if this issue has been addressed in another post but I just cant find it.  SO...


I was so excited and got my unRAID server up and live along with 2TB disc parity, two 1.5tb data drives and unMEMU by reading the video guides on youtube but iI failed to notice that the most recent download on the limetech site beta12a is not currently stable.  Well..  I'm not all the way comfortable trusting my array and parity to this unstable release and would like to know if it is possible to downgrade to the current stable 6A...or..  is the develpoment of the Version 5 Beta's up to this point just as stable enough to trust ???


Lookng for reassurance with regard to my data and unRAID!



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Hello forum,


First I want to apologize if this issue has been addressed in another post but I just cant find it.  SO...


I was so excited and got my unRAID server up and live along with 2TB disc parity, two 1.5tb data drives and unMEMU by reading the video guides on youtube but iI failed to notice that the most recent download on the limetech site beta12a is not currently stable.  Well..  I'm not all the way comfortable trusting my array and parity to this unstable release and would like to know if it is possible to downgrade to the current stable 6A...or..  is the develpoment of the Version 5 Beta's up to this point just as stable enough to trust ???


Lookng for reassurance with regard to my data and unRAID!



um... anything with a beta tag is not "stable"


Now that is not to say that 6a cannot run well for you.  I run 6a on my production machine without issue and will probably not be upgrading that machine for a while.


I have run 12a on my test machine almost constantly since release and it is fine on there.  Most of the beta12a issues stem from the driver/kernel incompatibility with the SASLP cards and the Realtek NIC driver issues.

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I have been using beta12a since its release and have not had any real issues yet. My server is a media server with some pictures backed up too.


If your server consists of critical data then you should take whatever cautions you think are necessary. As for me, while 22tb of movies and music would take time to recover from, a data loss would not be detrimental.


Hope this helps.


Sent from my PB99400 using Tapatalk

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Reverse the upgrade instructions.....lol. really! I'm going to assume you dont mean that literally!!


By you saying reverse upgrade instructions..does that mean that I can just Flash my unRAID USB boot drive that currently has version V12a on it with V6a(Per V5.0b6a instructions)!! or am I wrong? 

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