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UR 6.12.6 Cannot PhotoStructure - connection refused -webui, logs, terminal

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Been a long day and I am circling back with this problem.  I have freshly installed PhotoStructure but I cannot connect to it in anyway.   When I try the logs or the terminal the screen pops up and then closes immediately.  When I try the webui I get the error: refused to connect. The only thing custom about my network is I added and to my DNS as my Portugues ISP blocks strange things at times like ubuntu images :)  This is in the UR network setting itself not specific to the docker image which is in bridge mode. 

have tried multiple ports (currently using 1787 same as the app) and the only path that is different is the library path which goes to a share on UR that we all dump photos to already.  Cannot get logs or terminal to see what is up as per the beginning of this post.  Not sure where to go from here. 

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Howdy! I'm the author of PhotoStructure.

  • Make sure you're pulling an alpha image (photostructure/server:alpha) (the alpha build is actually fairly stable: I've been stuck on "alpha" because I only use "stable" when all supported platforms are good, and macOS Gatekeeper is currently giving me attitude)
  • Crank up log level to debug by setting PS_LOG_LEVEL=info (or debug) as an environment variable in your unraid template. You can then cat and tail logs using these tools.
  • Check PhotoStructure's new health check page: it's a new nav menu item, or go directly to (assuming I got your LAN IP address correct)

Note that I only saw this from a google search alert -- if you can, please hop into our official discord or forum (whatever you prefer) and I can help you there.



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