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Everything posted by CALMSURF

  1. Just installed Wallabag and seems to work - no erros - I made the DB dir and added the permissions. Hwoever the UI is totally broken - no images, all text no css etc. I know it isn't supposed to look like this. Any clue as to what I may have done wrong?
  2. Looking for support with TransmissionBT +OPENVPN I am using ProtonVPN as my VPN provider - everything connects successfully and TransmissionBT works but the port assigned by the script is NOT open according to TransmissionBT or if I find the IP and check on yougetsignal.com. According to the logs: STARTING TRANSMISSION Provider PROTONVPN has a script for automatic port forwarding. Will run it now. If you want to disable this, set environment variable DISABLE_PORT_UPDATER=true Transmission startup script complete. 2024-03-19 19:31:38 Initialization Sequence Completed and it shows a box with ProtonVPN Port Forwarding in blue. How do I TS this and get the port forwarding working?
  3. Have an HP Proliant MicroServer Gen7 N36L runnig latest unraid 8GB ram and 40 TB of storage. Runs cpu pegged most of the time - mostly NAS for Windows, Apple and Linux machines (SMB and NFS) with several docker containers: immich Cloudflare DDNS flaresolver NGP postgresql14 Redis Transmission_VPN All my media related dockers are on Umbrel on Ubuntu (Dell AIO) on another machine with 12 TB storage. I'm looking for an upgrade on RAM (16-32 GB) and CPU with a basic case and of course accommodation for the 6 drives on a ~500 budget and I am in Europe. Appreciate pointers in advance.
  4. I'm interested in this. Why docker inside a vm versus unraid docker? would an ubuntu docker container accomplish the same thing?
  5. Doesn't look like I can do this. Anything else we can try?
  6. ummm not sure. It is an app on Umbrel but technically it is a docker container so maybe......
  7. Issue is known with BTCPay - https://docs.btcpayserver.org/FAQ/Deployment/#cause-3-btcpay-is-expecting-you-to-access-this-website-from The config they want is: map $http_x_forwarded_proto $proxy_x_forwarded_proto { default $http_x_forwarded_proto; '' $scheme; } proxy_set_header Host $http_host; proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-Proto $proxy_x_forwarded_proto; server_names_hash_bucket_size 128; proxy_buffer_size 128k; proxy_buffers 4 256k; proxy_busy_buffers_size 256k; client_header_buffer_size 500k; large_client_header_buffers 4 500k;
  8. NPM and BTCPAY Server I just installed NPM and man is this slick ! Working great with Immich on Unraid! I am having problems with BTCPay Server however. My setup is cloudflare with two domains, one configured for dynamic DNS with CloudFalre DDNS on Unraid (domain1) and another with a subnet (btcpay.domain2) CNAME pointing to the dynamic.domain1 in cludflare which works fine. I have a proxy host entry and an SSL for btcpay.domain2 pointing to a different server on the lAN where btcpay lives on Umbrel. All good - the domain resolves BUT I btcpay doesn't like the configuration complaining: BTCPay is expecting you to access this website from http://btcpay.domain2.com/. If you use a reverse proxy, please set the X-Forwarded-Proto header to http (More information). I have followed every instruction from BTCPay server around this (even though it seems suited to standalone nginx NOT NGP) and no dice. Either breaks completely or same result. Anyone have any experience with this or a similar issue?
  9. Been a long day and I am circling back with this problem. I have freshly installed PhotoStructure but I cannot connect to it in anyway. When I try the logs or the terminal the screen pops up and then closes immediately. When I try the webui I get the error: refused to connect. The only thing custom about my network is I added and to my DNS as my Portugues ISP blocks strange things at times like ubuntu images This is in the UR network setting itself not specific to the docker image which is in bridge mode. I have tried multiple ports (currently using 1787 same as the app) and the only path that is different is the library path which goes to a share on UR that we all dump photos to already. Cannot get logs or terminal to see what is up as per the beginning of this post. Not sure where to go from here.
  10. Now I get to figure out my original issue that caused the reboot - why I cannot connect to PhotoStrucure docker (webgui, console, logs) at all. Says started but doesnt seem to work at all.
  11. and I am back and running. Sometimes it is the little things that we miss. I wanted to explore pools with a cache drive and configured one using a USB attached SSD which it would seem is a good idea until you reboot? I disconnected it and unraid booted fine and shares and the data is all there so whew. I still have some docker specific issues but that is for a different post. This one can be closed and hopefully someone learns from my dumb mistake.
  12. Here is the update. Still dead in the water after reflashing the same USB drive which seems fine from a windows PC. I copied the whole config file from the drive before flashing and added a few files back on to it after: the shares folder, pools folder, basic.key, disk.cfg, ident.cfg and super.dat. I have a black screen with a flashing white cursor int he left hand corner. Picture attached. UNRAIDSTUCKATFLASHING CURSURmp4.mp4
  13. Unraid was running perfect. Installed a docker app Photostructure and could not connect to the webui (using bridge mapped to a port I selected) tried some variations and no go. Did some searching looked at my network.cfg but did not change anything. rebooted and now.....nothing. Do I rebuild the flash drive? Prior to this I had just finished installing a parity drive (took two days done this AM) and new hard drives and did not yet back up my flash drive again sigh. am I hosed?
  14. I am fairly new to Unraid (been running Umbrel for quite a few years) and after getting set up with everyone in the family using their shares to dump a bunch of data decided to install a docker app ( delugevpn) to solve an issue that was difficult via Umbrel somehow hosed my network. Long story short I need to reset Unraid to a clean state as even after removing the app my network is behaving very oddly - the only thing to solve this has been to shut down Unraid entirely. I have seen several different posts around this but all a bit cryptic. Is there a guide or a defined set of steps? I have 4 drives, no parity, no cache (I'm waiting on more hard drives) and a handful of user shares. Thanks in advance for any help or links.
  15. Installed and configured this with ProtonVPN using wireguard and port forwarding. everything worked according to the logs and deluge could download with decent speeds. Started having massive problems on my network and finally had to call ISP as the service kept going down. They pinpointed it all to my unraid server which is only running this docker image. Shut it down and all went back to normal. I don't dare start it back up as it took down my bitcoin node, LN and some other essential services. What can I share to try and ts?
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