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Publishing to community apps

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Hello everyone,


I don't see where to post this topic so I hope I'm not doing something to wrong by posting here. I created a new community app to be publish in the CA. Since it's my first, I followed both link regarding to creating the templace in a github, create a ca_profile.xml, publish in github and docker hub, send a message to squid with all the details and even create a support thread. But the app is still not publish after many days. I know Squid need to do something manually and when I look at my message, it's still unread on his side. I'm sure he's pretty busy with life and other business (and he's probably also spammed a lot in the forum). So I was wondering, if there someone else that can do it? I feel it's weird that something as big as community app catalog have only one person that can do everything. What happen if he get into an accident?


Thank you

Edited by Nodiaque
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