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Random slowdown/Crash

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Hi there,


Not sure what happened here, last week finally upgraded from 6.11.5 to 6.12.6 which seemed to go smoothly. Changed docker network type from macvlan to ipvlan.


Also upgraded cache drive to zfs all of which went well and no issues.


This morning, made a change to Sonarr and suddenly everything slowed down to a crawl, couldn't log in via the GUI and just about managed to get in via terminal (again, very slow) and get the diagnostics (attached).  Docker was still running as I could sporadically open them but then they'd stop working again.

Went and plugged in a monitor and a forced shutdown had been started (not by me).


Stupidly didn't have syslog server activated.

Must be a new issue as previous uptime was over a year.


Wonder if anyone can help decode the issue.



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