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Reverse Proxy Issues using Own Domain, Cloudflare, and Duckdns

Go to solution Solved by Gragorg,

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Smart people of UNRAID i need your help! As the title suggest i can not get the Reverse Proxy working. I currently have my own domain (at squarespace) that i want to utilize for the reverse proxy to expose. My OMBI docker to the internet. I have family that I want to have access to request movies, and do not have discord. I followed spaceinvaders video and watch a few other videos but can not get this to function properly. I have my domin being forwarded to duckdns.org and utilizing cloudlfares nameservers, on unriad i have swag, cloudflare, duckdns, and ombi utlizing a proxynet (following spaceinvaders video) Setup below with Photos attached:



  -utilizes port 81 for HTTP access and 444 for HTTPs (there are other devices on the network that utilizes 80 and 443 which was creating issues)

 SWAG Docker

  - URL: mydomain.net

  - DNSPLUGIN: cloudflare

  - port 81 using 180

  - port 444 using 1443

  - swag defalut config file edited to utilize 81 and 444

  - Ombi config file edited to utilize 444



  - subdomain: mysubdomaindomain (same as what is found on duckdns.org)

  - Token: found on duckdns.org


 Cloudflare Docker (was using selfhosters docker but it will not stay running not sure why now using this container)

  - CF Hosts: mydowmain.net

  - CF APIKEY: global api key from Cloudflare

  - tried to utilize with and without vpn


 OMBI Docker

  - Base URL left blank 

  - In Docker: Application URL: ombi.mydomain.net

  - In Docker: Base URL blank



 Port Forwarding

  - Port 81 forwarded to 180

  - Port 444 forwarded to 1443



 DNS - Cname created: OMBI.mydomain.net to www.mysubdomain.duckdns.org

 Domain forwarding Rule: ombi.mydomain.net to www.mysubdomain.duckdns.org

 Nameservers: utilizing cloudflares nameserers 



 SSL.TLS - set to full (strict)

 DNS records same as what's found on Squarespace

 Cloudflare nameservers- same as what i put into squarespace


If I type into a web browser ombi.mydomain.net i receive a 522 error. if i type in www.mysubdomain.duckdns.org i get a 500 internal server error. Any help figuring this out would be greatly appreciated. Im new to this and looking forward to getting this working. 










UNRAID Managment.jpg


swag default config 1.jpg

swag default config 2.jpg

swag ombi config.jpg

Duckdns docker.jpg



OMBI config 1.jpg

ombi config 2.jpg


Orbi port forwarding.jpg

Square space dns.jpg

Square Space Domain Forward.jpg

Squarespace name server.jpg

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  • Solution

You shouldn't have to change swags container ports from 80 and 443.  Container ports are unique to the containers.  Domain forwarding in router is not required that is what SWAG does.  On your DDNS docker did you remove the email field?  If this allows Cloudflare DDNS to run you don't need DuckDNS to track your ip that is what Cloudflare DDNS does. Your containers don't really need any configuration since SWAG is just directing to their exsisting web gui.  Having said that I was a former SWAG user and found it to be not very user friendly to add new proxy entry.  I now prefer Nginx Proxy Manager as it is very simplified.  Also why did you have to change port 80 and 443 for unraid?  If your only looking to use only Nginx in Swag then NPM is far more simplified.  These are the videos that I used to accomplish reverse proxy using NPM if you want to go that route.


Buy Domain and connect it to cloudflare. Here is a great video

Follow DynDNS portion of this video at 9:20 skip the duckdns part.

I used this video for NPM

Edited by Gragorg
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I had to change the ports 80/443 because it was creating a conflict with another device on my network or at least i believe that was the issue. It was also utilizing 80 and 443, when i was doing port forwarding originally to port 80 and 443 it was going to the other device and not to unraid. After i changed the ports to 81 and 443 and updated the port forwarding i was getting the 500 errors and not the other device. 


I didnt remove the email field i just blacked it out on this docker its labeled CF_user. I will try to set up NGINX proxy manager and get back to you. I appreciate the help!

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5 hours ago, T_Matz said:

I didnt remove the email field i just blacked it out on this docker its labeled CF_user. I will try to set up NGINX proxy manager and get back to you.


This is right on the github for cloudflare ddns


Depreciated Parameters

-e EMAIL - Your CloudFlare email address when using an Account-level token. This variable MUST NOT be set when using a scoped API token.


For your swag or NPM you could use 180 and 1443 ports in the docker template if your not using them.  So port forward would be external 80 to 180 internal and external 443 to 1443.  In the docker template set 180 to port 80 and 1443 to 443. 

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