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Docker Service failed to start....

Go to solution Solved by trurl,

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Thanks for the info!! I thought I set it up as cache to array and that would have taken care of any issues, but apparently I have either missed a step or miscalculated. 


Is there any change you can point me in the right direction to fix my issue? 


Thanks in advance for any and all help!


EDIT: Got it squared away.... thanks again for the help trurl!

Edited by thetechdude
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d--a                              shareUseCache="yes"     # Share exists on cache, disk1, disk2

Still has files on cache. In fact is taking up most of cache, and you still don't have much free space on cache.

Filesystem       Size  Used Avail Use% Mounted on
cache            152G  128K  152G   1% /mnt/cache
cache/system     165G   13G  152G   8% /mnt/cache/system
cache/data       1.8T  1.6T  152G  92% /mnt/cache/data
cache/domains    152G  256K  152G   1% /mnt/cache/domains


appdata                           shareUseCache="yes"     # Share exists on disk2
domains                           shareUseCache="prefer"  # Share exists on cache
system                            shareUseCache="prefer"  # Share exists on cache

Ideally, these 3 shares would have all their files on fast pool, with no files on the array, so dockers/VMs will perform better, and so array disks can spin down, since these files are always open.


Filesystem       Size  Used Avail Use% Mounted on
vm               1.8T  128K  1.8T   1% /mnt/vm

What is the purpose of this pool which isn't being used? Seems like a logical place for all 3 of those shares, and leave cache just for caching.


Mover won't move files from pool to pool. Simplest would be to use Dynamix File Manager and move them yourself.


Nothing can move open files, so you have to disable Docker and VM Manager in Settings before these can be moved.

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