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Mover + Mover Tuning not actually moving anything

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Hi I am having a recent problem where the mover seems to not actually be moving any files.

I have the following settings in the mover tuning:



I also activated mover loggin in general. I have attached the log I have been getting since I started the mover (log_System.txt)

I have also attached my moverignore.txt (moverignore.txt)


While looking at the processes and logs the mover does seem to be doing things. Its always around 15% CPU but did run a few error log entries as well. The process running is called "age_mover" which I assume comes from the mover tuning plugin itself.


I can't actually detect any movement happening as most of the time my array states no write activity on the array at all. Can someone help me? Or help me raise the log level to get even more detailed logs to see what the mover is actually trying to do? I have no Age setting enabled so I would have thought it would just start moving some files once I start the process.


And the shares in question are set to move the files to the array:



Edited by Anon
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