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Parity check with only the parity drive running

Go to solution Solved by Kilrah,

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I'm wondering, if the parity drive is the largest, is it necessary for the parity check to continue running once all the data disks have been completed?


For example, with an 18TB parity drive and the second largest data drive currently at 10TB, it typically takes around 6-7 hours for the parity drive to complete the parity check after the last data disk finishes.


Would it be reasonable to suggest a feature request to halt the parity check when all the data disks have been completed? Or are there valid reasons for keeping the parity disk running alone?

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9 minutes ago, olympia said:

is it necessary for the parity check to continue running once all the data disks have been completed?

Yes, because it has to ensure all currently unused bits are 0 to be ready for when you're going to install a larger disk that will use them.

Edited by Kilrah
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