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After power outage, a disk in my Array says, "Unmountable: unsupported or no file system"

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New to Unraid, and still learning. I recently experienced a power outage, and when I brought my server back on line, one of the drives in my Array says that it is unmountable: unsupported or no file system. I ran a smart test on it (short & extended) and it passed without errors. I saw in another post, to stop the array, remove the drive, restart the array, then stop array and add drive back in and start array once more. I tried it, and the drive still shows the same message, and the system also started a data-rebuild (which says it will take over 830 days). Is this rebuild a good thing, like it is fixing the data on the drive? And is the 2 year rebuild time normal? When I have started parity checks previously, they always tell me that it will take 2 to 3 years, is that normal? 


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Rebuilding a drive won't fix an unmountable error, as you have found, which you had asked for help before doing that.


It's reporting a long time to rebuild because there are constant ATA errors with parity2, cancel the rebuild, check/replace cables for that disk (power and SATA) and post new diags after array start.

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How can I recover my data from my 4 drive? Everything was fine, then we had an ice storm and lost power for 3 days. When I restarted my server, my 4 drive says Unmountable: unsupported or no file system. How can I get it to remount, and keep all my Data. Again it is a 14tb drive with 11tb of files.

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Sorry my responses are so spaced out, but I am very busy and not at home a lot. But I did change both sata and power cables, power cable did have a lose wire! So after I did that and restarted the array, it started another rebuild process and it says it will take only a day. So I think the problem is fixed, but what do I do now to get my 14tb drive working again?

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