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Cache Drive Recovery

Go to solution Solved by JorgeB,

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For starters, I am relatively new to Unraid, so my knowledge is limited. 


Yesterday, I noticed my Plex Server was unreachable. When I pulled up the Unraid GUI, I saw that the CPU Cores were all maxed at 100% and I wasn't able to navigate. I decided to just do a hard reboot of the system. When it cam back online, everything was back to normal except the Cache drive. It was Unmountable: Wrong or missing FIle System. The drive was a zfs SSD drive. 


I looked online and on the forum and found one post where it recommended to change out the power/Sata cables. After I did this, and rebooted, I was no longer able to access the GUI. I've tried reinstalling a backup on the USB drive and I was still unable to access the GUI. 


I created a brand new installation on the USB drive and I am able to access the GUI, but the Cache drive still shows unmountable. When I try to mount it as an unassigned device, it fails, stating the dataset does not exist. 


At this point, I'm just trying to salvage the data on the Cache drive and start a new server, but i don't know how to get the data off of the drive. I do not have diagnostics since I don't have access to the GUI on the old server. If anyone could point me in the right direction on how to salvage the data. i would appreciate it. 

Edited by Kol
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That worked. Thank you! One last thing, if you don't mind. Since the drive was "repaired", I went and installed an old backup onto the USB Stick, but I still can't get to the GUI.
The IP address is static and the router shows it online. Unraid Connect shows the server online, Dockers and VM's started., everything looks normal, but I cant access the server GUI using anyof the suggested routes, nor any of the Docker/VM WebUI's. Any thoughts? 


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