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HBA Temperature monitoring

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A lot of users are most likely using LSI controllers from Broadcom in initiator target mode, it would be nice to monitor the temperatures in the dashboard as these cards get quite hot. Seeing trends over time is a good way to decide if you need to add more cooling/fans or what have you. 
Came across a tool that seems to work on at least my card which is an LSI 9305-24i, I would assume most 93xx cards would work. There are also alternative tools (Megacli and lsiutil) that supports other models but unsure exactly which, it would be some work figuring out what supports what, but if more are interested there shouldn't be that big of a deal to at least look at the most commonly used models, 9xxx-series is at least among the most used I would think.  


Unzip to folder 

Enter folder

unzip Unified_storcli_all_os.zip

go to unzipped folder -> Linux 

open storcli-007.2707.0000.0000-1.noarch.rpm in 7zip 

browse to /opt/MegaRAID/storcli/ 

copy storcli64-file to somewhere on your unraid box 

In terminal, run: ./storcli64 /c0 show temperature
(chmod +x if it's not executable)


should give the folllwing output; 
root@tower:./storcli64 /c0 show temperature

CLI Version = 007.2707.0000.0000 Dec 18, 2023
Operating system = Linux 6.1.64-Unraid
Controller = 0
Status = Success
Description = None

Controller Properties :

Ctrl_Prop                       Value
ROC temperature(Degree Celsius) 37

Not sure if it's possible to utilize this tool to poll for readings ? 

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  • 2 months later...



Thanks for posting this ... I had a need to monitor my HBA card.


Did you ever figure out a way to monitor or poll this ? Thus far I've sent it to a temp file in the directory I'm running storcli ... but I don't have a great way to monitor it ... 



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1 hour ago, bombsngravy said:



Thanks for posting this ... I had a need to monitor my HBA card.


Did you ever figure out a way to monitor or poll this ? Thus far I've sent it to a temp file in the directory I'm running storcli ... but I don't have a great way to monitor it ... 



Unfortunately no, it's a bit outside my skillset. You might make some sort of cron-job that runs the command (say every 5minutes for example), dumps output to a text file, and have something read the text file and react and notify you if the temperatures is high. That's at least one of the possible solutions i've come up with.
The ultimate fix would be to have some sort of function within unraid (like say a plugin) that visualizes the temperature values over time (like the cpu load stuff in the dashboard). But i have no idea where to even begin getting something like that developed :(

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  • 3 weeks later...

This would be awesome to be able to include this as a plugin to unRAID. 


I have just got on board with unRAID and and a bit of a stat whore when it comes to system monitoring. And my LSI 9305 controller temp is something I would like to be able to see on the dashboard like what i can do with my IPMI plugin. 


Let's hope there is someone out there that will be able to provide us with this goodness! 



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