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System hang twice in 24 hours

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I've had Unraid hang twice in the last 24 hours, both times for around 20-40 minutes, before recovering again. Syslog looks the same for both times, messages about disk temps being around 30C followed by "nginx: 2024/03/20 14:00:29 [error] 831#831: *31271114 limiting requests, excess: 21.000 by zone "authlimit", client:, server: , request: "GET /login HTTP/2.0"" then "php-fpm[7716]: [WARNING] [pool www] child 10760 exited on signal 9 (SIGKILL) after 936.425570 seconds from start" type messages.


Any insights would be appreciated!


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13 hours ago, BurningSky said:

how long would I need to stay in safe mode for.

Long enough to see if it doesn't happen.


13 hours ago, BurningSky said:

but I've always had it open before so not sure why that would start to be the issue now?

It's been known to happen with newer releases.

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