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Invalid folder cache contained within /mnt

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I've had this error for quite some time but finally decided I should get it figured out. I'm a relative noob when it comes to linux/command line/ and unraid TBH but I'm learning all the time. Anyways, I get this error from the common problems plugin and I just can't track it down.


I have attached my diagnostics - If someone can point me either where to look because I've went through a bunch and can't find what I see in other posts like this.


Thanks in advance, I appreciate your time and energy.




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14 minutes ago, JonathanM said:

If you disable the docker service and restart does it come back?

Yes, it persists even after disabling docker as well as restarts.


If it's nothing to worry about I can ignore it from the plugin but I just thought I'd try to track this down to prevent a bigger issue in the future

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