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Cannot access Shares from any Win11 pc after replacing Cache disk - Ping OK, access to Tower GUI ok

Go to solution Solved by Frank1940,

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I'm 5 days into this and going mental. I followed the process to perform a Cache disk swap, and then added a new disk into the array, all setup ok. Since the restart I cannot access the shares from any PC, or my iPhone using Wireguard. All the data is showing on the disks.  I've replaced disks before several times with no issues. 


I get multiple types of messages from the PCs such as "The connection has not been restored", "Windows cannot access Tower, network path not found" and even a "You cannot connect to this share because it uses an obsolete SMB1 protocol" when trying to map a drive by using the IP of the server.  


Google gives so many results that go in 100 different directions. No system settings were changed, all I did was replace the bloody disks. 


Any help would be very much appreciated.  Thank you in advance. 


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Couple of things to try:


First.   Try the IPaddress    \\   rather than \\Tower  


Second thing.  Make sure that your Windows 11 clients Network type is set to 'Private'.   Open   Start > Settings > Network & Internet and click here:



Third thing.   Windows 11 will (normally) not allow a 'Guest' connection to a server.   (Even if things worked in the past, those monthly MS updates have been known to make changes to the security settings!)  The easiest solution to simply define a "Share Access" user   (found under the  USERS tab of the GUI).  Than on each Windows 11 client use the Credential Manager and setup a 'Windows Credential' to your Unraid server.   For more info about SMB, see here:




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Just looked at your smb-extra.conf file....

  security = USER
  guest account = nobody
  public = yes
  guest ok = yes
  map to guest = bad user

max protocol = SMB2_02


That last line can give you problems as WIN11 has turned off SMBv1 support.  

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@Frank1940 thank you sir, you are a genious. This worked. I remove that last line, rebooted the PC and the shares came back.  A huge thank you. Looks like some of my Dockers need a remap but that's not hard.  I never added that line in the first place, not sure what caused that text to appear, or maybe it was there and a recent MS change caused it to become problematic. 



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