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[Support] FoxxMD - aiyabot

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Application Name: aiyabot

Application Site: https://github.com/Kilvoctu/aiyabot

Github Repo: https://github.com/Kilvoctu/aiyabot

Docker Hub: https://github.com/Kilvoctu/aiyabot/pkgs/container/aiyabot

Template Repo: https://github.com/FoxxMD/unraid-docker-templates



aiyabot is a self-hosted discord bot for interacting with a Stable Diffusion API to create AI generated images.


It is compatible with AUTOMATIC1111's Stable Diffusion web UI or SD.Next APIs and provides these features through Discord commands:

  • text2image
  • image2image
  • prompt from image
  • generate prompts from text
  • upscale image
  • image identification (metadata query)


Generation settings are also configurable globally or per channel:

  • Model to generate with
  • Width/Height
  • Extra nets (lora, hypernet)
  • Prompt/Negative prompt
  • Batch generation settings
  • highres fix/face restore/VAE
  • strength/guidance(cfg)/clip skip/styles
  • mark as spoiler


Be aware that aiyabot will help you craft valid generation commands but it does not magically "make good images" -- the bot will only generate with the settings you specifically configure. You will need a basic understanding of Stable Diffusion in order to achieve good result.





Discord Bot - You need to create a Discord bot in a Server you have appropriate permissions in and have a token ready to use with Aiyabot. This is covered in Setting up a Discord bot in the project wiki.


Compatible Stable Diffusion instance - The bot needs access to a SD API. Recommend to use stable-diffusion in CA Apps with (04 SD.Next) or (02 Automatic1111)


Map the SD container's API port:

* Container Port 7860 -> Host Port 7860


Fill in the CA app template with your discord bot token and URL to the SD API




and the start the app to get the bot running.


All commands and configuration is done through discord slash commands in the server the bot is running on.


Generating Prompts

Prompt generation (using /generate command) is disabled by default because it requires downloading and installing an ML model into the container which can be a large download and take a long time to process. If you wish to use this command then modify the CA template variable for USE_GENERATE (Download and install optional prompt generation command) from false to true.

Edited by FoxxMD
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