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noob question about unraid

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hi at all,


I just formatted my two test drives and was asking myself:


are unpaid array drives encrypted by default? or can I just pull them out of the array and access files on another computer?


I noticed that my cache drive was also formatted when starting the array. where are the plugins saved to when not the cache drive? are the on the usb drive?


thanks for your help in advance.

best wishes!





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Drives are only encrypted when you set them to be encrypted before formatting them.   Unraid uses standard Linux encryption so even when encrypted they can be read on any Linux system if you can provide the key.


Formatting is not automatic and only happens when you decided to use the Format option after starting the array and it would list the drives about to be formatted.   I assume you did not notice that the cache pool was amongst those listed.   Note that Unraid does not require you to have a pool - this is optional although frequently done for performance reasons.


Plugins are stored on the flash drive along with all your settings, and loaded into RAM along with the main Unraid OS as part of the boot process.

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So I will format again with encrypted XFS and I will remove the cache drive from the pool, right?

is apodaca located also on the USB drive? wouldn’t it be better to put it on the faster NVMe cache drive?

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1 hour ago, naddel81 said:

So I will format again with encrypted XFS

Assuming you want encryption?   It is worth pointing out that encryption can compromise the ability to recover without data loss if you have harware issues with your system.


1 hour ago, naddel81 said:

I will remove the cache drive from the pool,

Why?   Do you have some other use for that drive?


1 hour ago, naddel81 said:

Is apodaca located also on the USB drive? wouldn’t it be better to put it on the faster NVMe cache drive?

Not quite sure what you mean by 'apodaca'?    If you mean the 'appdata' share then it is a User Share that is located on whatever drives it is configured to use.  It is quite typical for this to be configured to reside on a pool if you have one (and this is the default) for best performance of docker containers, but if you do this you need to use something like the 'appdata backup' plugin to make periodic backups to the array in case of the pool failing for some reason.

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2 hours ago, naddel81 said:

thanks for your help. where is appdata coming from when rebooting when it is stored on a volatile cache drive? is it downloaded and installed again after each reboot?

not sure I understand this question.   The ‘appdata’ share is just the default location for stroring the working set data for docker containers and can easily be many GB in size (and in the case of containers like Plex it can be hundreds of GB) and as such it is stored on either an array drive or a pool depending how you have it configured.

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