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Not letting me replace failed drive

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I had a drive fail in the array.  I had a spare so I'm thinking I'll just shut the array down and swap the drive out.  BUT whenever I plug a drive in, the same connections as the failed one, and boot the system up, that parity drive drops off/goes missing.  I unplug the one I used as a replacement and boot back up and the parity drive is back like normal.  I thought there was an issue maybe with the replacement I was using so I ordered another drive, pre zero'd it and it's doing the same thing.  Plug the new drive in, boot up, parity disappears.


Does anyone have any ideas or suggestions?  



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I tried a different connector on the replacement drive and now it thinks the parity drive is one that is no longer in the system.  I put stickers on all of the drives when they were installed and booted so I could see the IDs the system assigned, with the last four of their IDs, and 18CT is plugged in.  Now even when I unplug the replacement drive it's showing the parity drive as 47CL, which is sitting next to me.  I'm at a loss....

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Well... Somehow the system changed/thinks the IDs are different than they were.  I plugged the drive labeled 47CL back in and unplugged the drive labeled 18CT and it thinks it's 18CT in the main array screen.  I selected it and selected the new drive from the dropdown to replace the failed drive 6.  It's currently rebuilding from parity.


A know for a fact I did NOT peel and move stickers.  I have no idea how it got confused.

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