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array disk not spinning down

Go to solution Solved by JorgeB,

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i use OS 6.12.10

i set all shares (appdata, system, isos, domain) to use cache pool (as my unraid is still in buildup configuration phase)

So no share is targeting array as primary (only as secondary pool the array is getting targeted, but my primary cache disk has enough free space atm).

Everything is MOVEd to cache atm. (so i guess starting a my pihole docker oder HA VM shoud also only target cache)


my array contains 1 parity and 2 disks, which are all specifically set to spin down after 30 mins.

but they never spinned down.


any ideas for helping me letting them getting a rest?



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im really sad, i have biought 3 disks with 2 TB each, which are all empty.

i cannot use them and the unraid system, until i have a positive spin down test :(


my unraid server is turned off until some can tell me the trick please...

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